Environmental Law Institute


Environmental Law Institute

The Environmental Law Institute (ELI) is an independent, non-partisan environmental education and policy research center focused on advancing environmental protection by improving law, policy, and management. ELI is an internationally recognized source of authoritative information and policy research on a wide range of topics in the field of environmental law and governance, committed to delivering timely, insightful, impartial analysis to opinion makers, including government officials, environmental and business leaders, academics, members of the environmental bar, and journalists. ELI fosters innovative, just, and practical law and policy solutions to enable leaders across borders and sectors to make environmental, economic, and social progress. The Institute's Research and Policy group produces research reports and policy recommendations on critical areas of environmental governance; its work is primarily focused on protecting water resources, land, and biodiversity; safeguarding the global commons (earth's climate and oceans); and improving environmental law and its implementation in the U.S. and internationally. Education and training programs for public officials, judges, citizens, and factory managers are a large part of ELI's agenda.
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